Hello, I’m Liz!

User Experience Design & Researcher

Currently living in sunny Los Angeles, CA

Inner-City Arts x ArtCenter College of Design

Inner-City Arts Children & Staff
Primary Role:
11 Weeks
Los Angeles, CA


Inner-City Arts is a nonprofit organization in Los Angeles dedicated to providing underserved youth with opportunities for artistic expression and creative development. Through their comprehensive arts education programs, they offer a supportive environment where students can explore their talents and passions. I am deeply inspired by the students at Inner-City Arts, who are eager to learn about UX methodologies and take pride in creating projects that reflect their creativity and growth.

My Responsibilities and Goals:


      Solo Instruction:
      Managed all aspects of instruction for the class, providing comprehensive guidance and support to each student.

      Collaborative Methodology Practice: 
      Facilitated learning and hands-on practice of UX methodologies, ensuring that students grasped and applied these techniques effectively as a class.

      Guidance on Final Projects: 
      Mentored students in selecting and developing final project topics based on their individual passions, guiding them through the process to create meaningful and personal outcomes.

      My Session Plans:

      Week 1
      Foundations of Interaction Design
      We begin with a comprehensive introduction to interaction design, laying the groundwork for understanding its principles and impact.

      Week 2
      Discover and Ideation
      Explore the Double Diamond framework and engage in mind mapping brainstorming techniques to uncover innovative ideas and opportunities.

      Weeks 3-5
      Define and Research
      Delve into user personas through interactive workshops, conduct surveys and interviews to gather valuable insights, and learn to create user journey maps and scenarios that define user experiences.
      Weeks 6-8
      Develop and Prototype
      Participate in user scenario and Figma workshops to develop wireframes and prototypes. Refine designs through iterative feedback and presentations, focusing on practical application and user-centric solutions.

      Week 9-10
      Deliver and Showcase
      Conclude with final project presentations and a field trip, providing students the opportunity to showcase their work and gain real-world insights.

      This website is best viewed on desktopMade with love © 2024 Elizabeth Costa